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Shanghai New International Expo Center

What is a Hundred Orange Club Member (VIP)?

Orange Club members are specially invited VIP visitors to all exhibitions of Reed Exhibitions (Beijing) Co., LTD。With this VIP card, you can enjoy multiple rights and permanent free access to all Reed Huabai exhibitions without registration。Really do a card line!

VIP Hard card application conditions:

(One of the following conditions can be met)

a. Management personnel from well-known supermarket enterprises (manager level and above), and the number of visits to the department store club is not less than 3 times (no continuous visit record is required)      

b. Dealers/agents from the department store industry (manager level and above) who have visited at least 5 consecutive department store conferences

Note: "TAP Diamond VIP Buyer" has the priority to apply, you can contact the TAP specialist directly (010-5933 9385)

VIP hard card rights

1. Exhibition site specialExclusive lounge areaFree drinks, refreshments and luggage storage

2. Priority invitationParticipate in all conferences, forums and other offline events organized by Reed Expo  

3. You can apply to join the special build-wechat group (the group brings together high-level management personnel of well-known enterprises in the department store industry, and releases the latest industry information from time to time for industry insiders to exchange and learn)

Handling process:

VIP Hard Card application: July 1, 2020前将名片Reply to the "department store" wechat public number, reviewed by the organizer, phone follow-up。You will receive a confirmation text message upon approval

Pick up the hard card:VIP lounge at the exhibition site (by SMS, on-site photo is required)

Hard card collection time:Extended for three days (2020.7.23-25)

Warm reminder:

A. The original VIP hard card can be exchanged for a new card directly at the on-site processing office

B. The card has a personal number and a photo of myself,For personal use only

C. Limited to 600 copies per year,Only pre-show applications are accepted(On site can be booked for next year)